
Our volunteers have been doing an amazing job of digitally stitching images of the original technical drawings in our Cook, Welton & Gemmell archive (some of which are almost 1m in length!).  See below for some examples.

Please note: Inverted copies have been included to highlight technical details.

Background information obtained from  ‘Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Shipbuilders of Hull and Beverley 1883-1963’ by Michael Thompson et al (Hutton Press 1999).

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8 thoughts on “Vessels

  1. My late father was Chief Supt. Engineer for Boston Deep Sea Fisheries and Cook Welton and Gemmell were involved with some of their trawlers.


  2. My late father worked for CW&G as a ships joiner and made scale models of some of the trawlers. I think some were given to the Owners and some to Lloyd’s. I have a few photos of both the trawlers and models.


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